Last updated
Last updated
$100.88 - Account balance on Matrixbot 1 - Number of active bots $202.44 - Total profit of bots for the selected interval PNL - Current state of all positions, will be added in future versions -90%+ - Scale display of bots
Green triangle - Long bot Red triangle - Short bot Bot name, exchange and trading pair - clicking opens the chart on the exchange.
The number of segments corresponds to the number of orders bot Orders
. Green segments represent unfulfilled orders, while red represents fulfilled ones. The length of each segment is the distance between ARC
A yellow triangle indicates the current take profit order position, while white shows the current price position. Percentage indicates profit/loss from executed orders.
49.37 GTC - The bot's limit
deposit, clicking on which will display the deposit in USD equivalent.
16:56 - Current lap time
$5.23 - Bot's total income
0.45% - Bot's overall profitability in percentage terms
Bot start. After an error, the bot will restart from its last state when the start button is pressed.
Stop. Two modes:
- Soft stop
on first press. The bot will stop gently and wait for take profit orders to be executed before stopping.
- Hard stop
on second press. The bot will stop as is; orders may remain on the exchange or be removed at user's choice.
Additionally, if the bot is in error mode and does not plan to resume trading from where it left off, pressing the stop button clears any errors and allows a new lap to begin after restarting.
Menu. Opens up additional menu options.
Edit - Bot editing Clone - Bot cloning Delete - Deletion
30 days - Selection of a time period for laps. 6.45% - Total income percentage earned during the selected period, click to view statistics page. $5.23 - Total income earned in dollars during the selected period.
List of closed laps.
Lap number, trading pair, duration of round, number of executed orders and profit in dollars. If there is a current unclosed lap, its profit is zero. Each lap can be clicked to view details.
Order ID assigned by the exchange, order type, amount and price at which it was placed.
If the lap is not closed, open orders show placed but unfilled orders.
Displays the current state of the bot:
Stopped - stopped
Initialization - preparation for starting the bot
Waiting start - checking start conditions based on indicators. If conditions are not met, the value of a blocking indicator is displayed.
Placing grid - placing the grid
Monitoring - waiting mode for order execution
Reset grid - resetting the grid if price has moved beyond set offset
Placing order - placing subsequent orders
Lap finished - take profit order triggered, remaining orders removed
Error – bot has stopped with an error, click to display error description. The stop button clears errors if bot is in error mode and does not plan to resume from where it left off. After reset, bot will begin a new lap after start.