Affiliate program
Earn money by promoting MatrixBot
Last updated
Earn money by promoting MatrixBot
Last updated
There are 2 ways to earn money by promoting our project:
Earning MTXB tokens.
Earn % of commissions paid by users.
To earn MTXB tokens by attracting new users, you need to go to our Telegram bot and send it the /share
From each new user you will receive tokens, which you can then withdraw to your wallet.
When you bring a new user to MatrixBot, you earn % based on everything:
Commissions on income of trading bots.
Commissions for buying and selling bots on the Market.
Signing up for a premium subscription.
Purchasing VIP services.
Advantages of working with the MatrixBot affiliate program:
There is no hold, earnings are accrued in real time.
Easy conditions for approval of creatives (if you create your own advertising materials). All you have to do is write to the project manager if you have any questions.
No intermediaries, work directly with the project.
On the website in the "Account" section you can find your affiliate links.
You can promote both a link to register on the site and a link to receive a guide to trading bots.
When you promote a link to receive a guide, the referred user follows the link, your affiliate code is attached to it, and when the user proceeds to register, they receive your affiliate link.
To do this, go to our Telegram bot and send it the command /partner
Spam and brand context (MatrixBot) are prohibited.